Design and create

We design your advertisings in Germany | Professional graphic designer in Germany | We design your advertising and presentations professionally in Germany

We design and create your advertising and presentations with the best graphics, colours and photos.
We offer designing services to our clients, which makes your job easier to start advertising with us. Our expert and professional Graphic designer team will help you to create your advertising from sketch and zero. We lead you to the best and most modern looking designs to reach the best result. A modern looking advertising, will help your customers to remember you better. An additional fact of having a modern and a good looking advertising, is to get a better value.
Creating a great value for your brand, business or name, make you more special and to be highlighted in your field of business.

Redesign and creating a new design!

We offer Redesigning services to our clients. Means you might have already an existing design for your website.
We offer Redesigning your complete concept to give a fresh life to your brand and business.

Every single brand updates and redesigns their whole advertising and concept. As experience shows us, redesigning is one of the best methods of attracting customers and improving sales in all over the world.
You might ask your self why to use redesign method for advertising.
Its easy to explain, it gives a fresh look and it gives a new look to your brand. Redesigning can help your website to get more traffic no matter where and when.

Redesigning your icons, Logos, and complete advertisings are one of the best keys for advance marketing methods.

We Design & Create!

3 Keys

We Create your advertising and marketing with the most modern design and concepts to help you to improve your brand!

Cuustom format by HMi GmbH | Custom HMi GmbH | HMi offers Graphic design services
Graphic Design

Custom Formats

We create your design on your own format and sizes. No matter how big or in what size, we create you the best possible designs!

Vectorize your logo and design | We offer designing services in Germany | We design your advertisings professionally with best quality and colors in Germany | HMi Advertising agency in Germany
Logo & Icons


We turn your ideas to artwork, and your artworks to vector. Vector means a high quality shape, logo or design and perfect for printing!

We design your marekting and advertising with nice colors in Germany | We design your advertisings in Germany | HMI Offers graaphic design services to clients | HMi GmbH
Designs & Layouts


We combine colours for your design. Every color has a meaning, and every color has it own feeling. we combine all the feelings to get great colours!

We design your advertising professionally!

We create and design your advertisings from sketch and from zero

Designing has a main role to convert your visitors to a real customers. A nice and professional Design can give your brand a great value, which it converts your future visitors to customers.
How Graphic Design affects your business, is exactly like how food can affect a human.


What does graphic design means?

Graphic design means the process of converting a sketch or a drawing into an art work or graphic. Graphic designer is a professional well trained person, who knows how to work with designing softwares such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign and etc.


How much does it cost to hire a Graphic design in Germany?

Depending on your reuest and your need, hiring a well trained Graphic designer can cost you 80-500 € per hour.
Again, it is important to know what is your need and how big is your Task.


How important is to have a Logo?

Logo is your brand sign, and identity. It is very neccecery to have a professional Logo for your brand. What does your client remember about you after purchasing your product or service rather than your logo and name. Therefore we believe one of the most important marketing element nowadays, is to have a professional Logo.


How much does a professional Logo cost to order to HMi GmbH?

Our graphic designing team offer Logo designing to companies and start up businesses as well.
A professional Logo can cost you 100-10.000 € depending on your need.

Client Logo with Full Gradient Box Effects

Showcase your client logos in a full-width carousel style with gradient slide appears from the bottom

We design, and create you the best!

Need a graphic designer for your next project? Our team of experts can create stunning designs for anything from advertising and presentations to logos and website design.

Elevate your branding with a powerful set of visuals. Test out our design services today and see the difference and get a perfect result with trusting us!

We offer different Graphic design services. We offer services such as:
• Leaflet Design
• Flyer Design
• Brochure Design
• Business card Design
• Letter Head Design
• Stamp Design
• Booklet Design
• Packaging Design
• Logo Design
• Web Design
• Poster Design
• Large format Design
& many more…

3 Top services of Graphic design

Graphic design can be used for different purposes and can help you to grow professionally!

We design your logo in Germany | We create you the best logo with moder design | HMi GmbH offers graphic design services in Germany
Logo Designing
Logo Means your brand sign. Your Logo can explain everything of your brand, business and services. We design your logo professionally to help you to look more professional!
Color combination | HMi Graphic designer team offers you designing with colors in Germany | HMi Marketing agency offers designing services
Color Comibantion
Knowing what colours to use, where to use and how to combine them, is one of our services. We have well experience in this matter, and we know what colours can matche your brand.
We create a professonal Icon for youur brand at HMI | HMi is a marketing agency offers professional desiging services in Germany | HMi GmbH
Icon creation
Every brand needs special Icon. Logo and Icons are great elements for your advertising and they can make your clients to always remember you by seeing them anywhere.