Everything About Berlin city!
Berlin in Germany,
Get to know Berlin city

Where is Berlin located?
Berlin is located in northeastern side of Germany. Its is the largest city and the capital of Germany. Berlin is located in the state of Brandenburg, though Berlin itself is a separate federal state.
Geographically, Berlin lies on the European plain, with spree River inside. It is about 70 km west of the Polish border and approximately 180 km south of the Baltic Sea.
An important fact about Berlin
Berlin city has more bridges than Venice, around 1700 bridges spanning its canals, and rivers.
Berlin city has super perfect waterway system with the spree River and the Landwehr Canal running through it.
Its nice to know that 3 famous Technology brands and companies are based in Berlin.
1- N26 – A Famous International digital Bank
2- Soundcloud– A world famous music streaming and sharing platform.
3- Zalando – One of the Europe’s largest online fashion retailers and online shops.
Berlin, A city full of love, Music, Restaurants, Politics, students, festivals, Museums!
Berlin has an old and long history in Germany since world war. Berlin was founded in 1237 as says the Internet.
"Belin City"
Berlin, the capital of Germany and one of the most powerful cities in Europe as heart of economics in Germany.
Berlin has 3.43 million of population, known as the largest city of Germany. Berlin has a total measure of 892 km² in Germany.
Belin is Located at Northeastern part of Germany, near to Poland brother.
6 Reasons why Berlin is famous City of Germany!
Read the main 6 reasons why Berlin city is one of the important cities of Germany. There are many more reasons for sure, however we have mentioned only 6 important reasons only.
Berlin is one of the hubs and called paradise for food lovers, offers all types of restaurants.
Get to know other cities of Germany!
We have gathered all of important informations for you about Germany and other cities in Germany.
What is the phone prefix of Berlin? (Area code of Berlin)
Berlin Phone prefix (Vorwahl) is 030, which can be also found on the Berlin's main homepage.
Berlin Homepage, explains all the important spots, festivals, occasions, political meetings, and upcoming events.
Visit Berlin main home page to know more about the Berlin history and key spots.
Football in Berlin
UNION BERLIN is in Bundesliga

FC Union Berlin is a German football club which currently competes in the First football league of Germany, Bundesliga.
FC union Berlin is a football club known for built on passion and identity by most football experts around the world.
FC Union Berlin was founded on 1966 and know as Die Eisernen (The iron ones).
FC Union Berlin is the most powerful football team of Berlin city. Many of their fans believe that FC union Berlin is not just a football club, instead it is a symbol of resilience, community and working class identity.
Following Image Source:
FC Union Berlin
Small information about Berlin Wall.
The Berlin Wall was a fortified concrete structure that surrounded West Berlin from 1961 until 1989, effectively dividing it from East Berlin and the German Democratic Republic.
The construction of this barrier was initiated by the government of the GDR on 13 August 1961.
Berlin plays a main role in diplomatic of Germany.
What was the Berlin Wall and how did it fall?
• Berlin was a divided city before the wall.
• The Berlin Wall came to represent the ideological divisions of the Cold War.
• The Berlin Wall developed over time.
• The Berlin Wall was heavily guarded.
• The Berlin Wall fell on 9 November 1989.
The information are taken from the following website:
Are you looking for the List of Fair Trade shows in Berlin?
We have created a page with list of upcoming trade shows and exhibitions in Berlin city.
Click on the link below to visit the page and get more info about all of the fair trade shows and upcoming events.
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Berlin the capital of Germany, with the most population 3.43 million people.
Berlin is one of the most important cities of Germany, and also Europe. Berlin is known also as an important political city in Europe.
Berlin city has many different reasons to bei important in Germany, for example the Parliament of Germany is based in Berlin city.
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Webdesign in Berlin
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