
Professional Digitalization in Germany


Digitalization in Germany has started in 2020 with beginning of Covid-19 Virus.
Germany was one of the first countries that started supporting all business to turn their businesses from local and paper business to digital and remotely controlled businesses.
As any other types of acts on business Digitalizations had also positive and negative affects in economics in Germany and other countries.

German Government has helped small business owners up to biggest companies and business to turn their business to digital business by helping them covering their costs.

Digitalization is still one of the most important moves which any business owner can take in Germany. HMi GmbH offers all types of digitalisation (digitalizations) to all types of business. It started all from creating a whole online system and importing all the sales, taxes, costs of a business, and it ended up with turning every single paper, plan, sketches and documents into digital version in order to have more control to every elements in digital form.

HMi GmbH has made many digitalization projects for big companies as the company demands. No matter what type business, no matter what size of digitalisation, we have delivered almost all of projects on time with the best results possible.

Digitalisation in Germany | Digitalization services in Germany with HMi GmbH | HMI GmbH offers Digitalisation services in Germany
Digitalisation in Germany | Digitalization services in Germany with HMi GmbH | HMI GmbH offers Digitalisation services in Germany 02
Digitalisation in Germany | Digitalization services in Germany with HMi GmbH | HMI GmbH offers Digitalisation services in Germany 03 - hmi-ad

Converting documents and plans to digital files!

It all starts with a simple Digitalisation services what we offer.
digitalisation in general has many different method which we have defined it in the following text to help you understand easier:

A- Basic Digitalization Service with HMi:

Turning any printed documents in to digital format and saving it on a digital way to transfer, study and keeping the files for a longer time.
N matte t how many pages, what formats, what quality and what requirements you have, we provide you all in one Old fashion professional Scanning process along with modern scanners and devices at HMi.

B- Semi Professional Digitalization service with HMi:

We scan and turn your sketches, plans, architecture and construction plans to a digital format and help you to achieve the best quality with lowest file size possible at hmi.
We do your Digitalization job order based on your inquiry and requirements with top prices in Germany.

C- Professional Digitalization service with HMi:

With Professional Digitalization service pack at HMi, you get a fully compressed,, professional looking, modern design website with full content and structure. We as HMi offer you a professional way to turn your business to digital form with best prices and fastest turnover.

We first create a plan, analysis your market and your target customers. To find out all of your powerful points, we first make a complete research to find your competitors and all of the businesses who have activity in your area.
We dont stop there, we go further and create 3 different strategies and review them after finalising them with our team.
At this point we start creating and presenting your business in a live digital form. You will check the digital test website, provide us unlimited revisions, and we apply them.
This process goes further until we finish your project, test it and launch it along with some offers, promotional gift items branded with your logo,, to promote your new website and get more traffic.


Turn printing plans to Digital files

We turn your old plans, your old draws and sketches to digital files in any format on your demand.

As of my most recent knowledge update in January 2022, Germany has been actively involved in digitalization efforts across various sectors, driven by a strategy known as the “Digital Agenda for Germany” (Digitale Agenda für Deutschland). Here are the key elements of digitalization in Germany:

1. Industry 4.0:

Germany is at the forefront of Industry 4.0, which represents the fourth industrial revolution characterized by the integration of digital technologies into manufacturing processes. This concept emphasizes the utilization of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics to enhance efficiency and innovation in manufacturing.

2. Digital Transformation in Businesses: German businesses are undergoing digital transformations to maintain competitiveness in the global market. This involves adopting digital technologies for various processes, including supply chain management, customer relationship management (CRM), and data analytics.

3. Government Initiatives:

The German government has actively promoted digitalization through initiatives like the “Digital Strategy 2025” (Digitale Strategie 2025). The objective is to strengthen Germany’s position as a leading digital economy by investing in digital infrastructure, fostering innovation, and addressing challenges related to digital literacy and cybersecurity.

4. Smart Cities:

German cities are embracing smart city initiatives to enhance urban living through the utilization of digital technologies. This includes implementing solutions for efficient transportation, energy management, and public services using IoT, sensors, and data analytics.

5. Digital Health:

The healthcare sector in Germany is undergoing a digital transformation with the integration of electronic health records, telemedicine, and digital health applications. The goal is to improve patient care, enhance efficiency, and tackle healthcare challenges.

6. Cybersecurity:

As digitalization continues to expand, there is an increasing focus on cybersecurity. Germany has implemented measures to strengthen cybersecurity, including the National Cyber Security Strategy (Nationale Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie). These measures aim to protect digital infrastructure, data, and systems from cyber threats.

Please note that the information provided is based on my knowledge up until January 2022, and there may have been further developments since then.



Printed Plans to Digital Files

Printed plans to digital files | Scanning documents in Germany | Scan your printed documents in Düsseldorf with HMi GmbH

A great small flyer choice for who want to have a small size flyer. A6 size is a great choice form less details and information.

Large formats to Digital Files

Large format scanning service in Düsseldorf | Large formats to digital files in Germany | Professional Digitalization services in Germany

Half of a standard paper size, a great flyer choice for any occasion and use. A5 size has middle range space for your information.

Printed Documents to Digital Files

turning Printed Documents to digital files in Germany | Scanning services in Germany with HMi GmbH | Digitalization in Germany with HMI GmbH | Scan in Düsseldorf | HMi GmbH

Standard paper size, with a great space for more information and images. one of the best seller Flyer and leaflet sizes.

Printed Pictures to Digital Files

Scanning picturs in Germany | Digitalization services in Germany with HMi GmbH | HMi offers professional scanning services in Düsseldorf

A unique paper size for less information and images, with a nice paper format. A-long Flyer size is one of best seller products.

Naming Files

Naming scanned files in Digitalization in Germany | HMi GmbH offers professional Digitalization services in Germany since 2018

Naming your files in any order and any type your demand.
We can also name your scanned files on a excel table.

Different Formats

Different file formats in scanning | Scan your files in any format you like in Germany with HMi GmbH | HMi offers scanning services in different formats and qualities

We scan your pictures, files, plans, draws, sketches, document in any format you like to have. Different formats might best useful for different usages.

Different Qualities

We scan your files in Different formats with different qualities in Germany | HMi offers professional Digitalization services in Germany | Digitalisation in Germany with HMI GmbH from Düsseldorf

We scan your files with any quality and with different dpi on your demand. We can also save your files in different version with different qualities.


• Different Qualities affects files sizes.
• Different Qualities are for different uses.
• Higher qualities of scanned files will have more dpi and more pixels in your digital files.


Full Data check.
We offer unlimited revisions to our clients.
Depending on our order, contract and project.

Contact our sales team to arrange all of your requirements.

4 Points to remember before Digitalisation

Important points to remember before starting Digitalization.

Scanning might look easy, might look doable for everyone, however we provide professional Digitalisation service in Germany and it is different than normal Scanning.
Digitalisation alone means turning a printed file into digital version and instead of doing business on paper, doing everything on PC.
We offer a full services digitalisation to our clients in Germany no matter if its turning an old plans to digital version or creating a business platform on a digital base.
Digitalisation has turned millions of business to professional looking business while because of turning a normal and small business into professional looking business you need to go through a long process .
• We serve clients and businesses with Professional Digitalisation Services in Germany with different offers!

Doing some projects and serving big clients in many possible ways, need a well experienced team. With HMi you get best out of your projects while we never use cheap products, cheap softwares, or not experienced or trained members in our team.
We try our best to provide you the best services along with top customer services all the time.

We provide Marketing and printing services since 1989, which it means, we have served a lot of different types of projects and customers around the world. With HMi GmbH you get the best our of your projects 100% guarantee.

We understand what does Time mean!
Time is one of the most important and expensive elements for every brand and business. Therefor we know exactly what time means, and we respect it. We provide you 24 hours Digitalisation services in Germany at our factory to make sure we deliver you the fastest way possible. In fact we offer different options of Digitalisation services in Germany as Standard Digitalization, Express Digitalization, and professional premium Digitalization at HMi.

Depending on your need and demand we provide you the best prices and deals for Digitalization contract all the time.

We charge you on hourly base, we charge you on contract base, we charge you on quantity base!
Yes, we are flexible and we will provide you the best offer which it matches your business and needs.
With us you dont get only your Ditialization done, instead you turn your business into an online and digital type of business.
Prices in Digitalisation are different by city and different by country of curse. We offer you the best fair prices due to our quality work and 5 star customer services.

Why Digitalization is important in Germany

"Considering the 3 important following points before you place an order for printing orders"

Converting everything to online | Scanning services in Germany | HMi offers Digitalisation services in Germany since 2018 | HMi Marketing agency from Düsseldorf

Converting everything to online

If you have saved colors as RGB or Pantone, we will switch them during the last check to CMYK. This Process might affect your colors and you may expect color change/ color shift after printing. • HMi does not accept any responsibilities for color changes.•
Turn your local business into international business with HMi Marketing company in Germany | HMi GmbH offers professional Digitalization services since 2018 in Düsseldorf

Turning businesses from local to International

You must check your Cutting Lines, fold Lines, secure lines and the end format you send for your printing products. If you confirm your printing file and uploaded, we will not accept any responsibilities for mistakes in your final printing files.
Keep a digital version of your important files | Scan your files with HMi GmbH | HMI GmbH offers Digitalisation services in Germany

Keeping a digital version from all of your files

Make sure you don't use any designs, Logos, icons, or images without copyright or having permission. HMi does not accept any responsibilities if the owner of the design claims it.•We only Print, and we cannot check every element on customers designs.•

Digitalization in Germany

We create you a professional looking website and turn your business form local and offline into Digital version. Along with Turning your business to a digital format business, we create you also some QR-code by linking them to your online website for your clients.
Your clients can easily scan the QR-code and visit your website and ream about your products, your services, your menu, your prices or any other information you liek to provide.

It’s not about only turning a business into a digital format, instead its about the value you create for your business by turning your business to online format. How much would you pay for a professional Digitalization of your business in Germany?

Scanning service

Professional Scanning services in Germany | Professional Scan in Germany | Scanning services with fast and top quality services in Germany at | Scan in Germany | Scan services in Düsseldorf | Scanning services in Bochum | Scanning in Dortmund | Scanning in Aachen | Scan in Cologne with HMi since 2018
Send your files with post, we scan them and turn them to a digital format, and we send you back your files with post within only 24 hours in Germany | HMi GmbH offers professional Digitalization services with high quality scanning and top prices in Germany | Scanning in Germany with same night turnover

#Digitalisierung_in_deutschland #Digitalisierung_bei_hmi

Digitalization services in Germany

Turn your business from local to International and country wide business with Digitalization services at | HMi offers scanning and digitalisation services in Germany since 2018. | Start your online business with HMi GmbH in Düsseldorf with over 35 years of experience | Professional Digitalization services in Germany with HMi GmbH | HMi offers the best Digitalisation services in Germany to companies, businesses, shops, organisations, and governments. | Ditialization in Bochum | Digitalization in Cologne | Digitalization in Düsseldorf | Digitalization in Dusseldorf | Digitalization in Dortmund | Digitalization in Berlin | Digitalization in Aachen | Digitalization in Essen | Digitalization in Frankfurt | Digitalization in Hamburg | Digitalization in Bonn