Promotional USB-Hubs branded with your logo.
Products such as 3 in 1 USB- Ports, 4 USB-hubs, and other items are available in large stock ready to be printed with your logo.
USB-Hubs are made to let you connect different devices at the same time to a single USB device. We offer large verity of USB-Sticks, USB-hubs and USB gift items let you to have the chance of promoting your self by branding them. HMi also offers special promotional USB-Hubs which your logo can be engraved with laser and light up with LED.

Few Reasons to order Promotional Technology gift items:

Many believe you must always use the chances and promote your business in different ways. If it comes to giveaways and promotional merchandise or digital ads. Depending on your target customers, experience shows that you must always count on giveaways by 60% and  leave the rest for other advertising methods.

Frequent questions that our customers ask us!

Why should I order promotional USB-Hubs?

It’s easy to answer that. Most of the Laptops nowadays has got 1 or 2 USB ports, which makes it hard to connect few USB cable to it hard. The solutions is USB-Hubs. A single device to connect 3, 4 or more USB’s to your laptop, pc, or Computer.
How much shall I Invest on Technology Gift items?
Depending on your marketing budget, your target customer, you must choose a number. Something between 500 to 1000 at least for start, which can affect 10-25% in return.

Buy Promotional gift items on hmi-ad with top prices and fast production with free delivery in Germany. Get your own Promotional USB-hubs printed with your logo or brand name which helps to promote professionally your business.
You might need help for finding what you are looking for, which you can easily contact us and get a free consultation.
Contact us via phone (+49) 234 93 82 8852, or send us mail to and we will help you.

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